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How it all started...

I was born into a family of winemakers without anyone asking me whether I was interested in wine and cellar work at all. At first I found it more exciting to sit at my grandfather's tractor or to hide in the cellar than to help with the harvest or to clean the tanks in the cellar. So first I ended up in gastronomy, because traveling the world and serving extraordinary dishes and opening expensive wines for guests is much cooler than sitting at home. That's what I thought at the time. At some point it went back and I longed for another occupation where I didn't always have to be friendly and could be outside more. It was somehow obvious that making wine is not such a bad thing after all and so I was allowed to make my first wine in 2014 from grapes that my father gave me and, as a result, my first sparkling wine. That's exactly where it got me, the bubble virus.

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Since then, a lot has happened. With my partner Robert we broke up the tents in our parents' cellar and moved to the incredibly beautiful Kamptal in Langenlois. There we live and work together with our dog Dolly and our sheep on our dreamlike winery and enjoy the time we can spend there with guests and friends. The wine cellar is located in Mollands, a high-altitude wine village north of Langenlois, where Peter Luf and Lisa Ilkerl invited us to share their realm with us and we are very grateful for that, because we not only have the ideal environment for our base wines to mature but also the exchange and the fun when several people are working towards the same goal: producing honest, entertaining wines.

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